Insurance Claims

We are Insurance Restoration Professionals

Maycon Construction Services boasts a wealth of expertise in overseeing wind and hail restoration projects for siding, gutter, and roofing systems.

Our streamlined process commences when homeowners identify possible damage and engage Maycon Construction Services for a complimentary consultation.

During this phase, our skilled professionals meticulously examine the roofing, siding, and gutters of the property for signs of wind and hail damage. Upon confirming damage consistent with adverse weather conditions, we employ photo documentation to meticulously record the findings. Subsequently, we prepare a comprehensive written work scope outlining the necessary steps for property restoration and repair.

Furthermore, we prioritize transparency and proactive communication by advising homeowners to promptly notify their insurance agents about the identified damage. At Maycon Construction Services, our commitment lies in providing exemplary restoration services while ensuring homeowners are informed and empowered throughout the process.

Our Process

Upon notification to the insurance carrier, they will coordinate with the homeowner to arrange a visit from a claims adjuster for a thorough inspection of the property.

During this assessment, Maycon Construction Services assumes the responsibility of guiding the homeowner in showcasing all pertinent damages to the adjuster. We facilitate discussions regarding the documented restoration plan outlined in our comprehensive scope of roof repair or replacement. Additionally, we provide clarification on any inquiries about acceptable construction methodologies for the restoration project.

After this meeting, the claims adjuster will proceed to evaluate the presented claim and restoration plan. Their decision may entail approval of the claim and restoration plan as submitted, approval of the claim with modifications to the restoration plan, or the complete denial of the claim.

What Happens If The Claim is Approved?

If the claim is approved as presented, a contract between Maycon Construction Services and the homeowner will be prepared and executed.

Work will then begin once a time is agreed to with the homeowner. This work will commence like any other project; however, we will ensure that all the relevant insurance documentation is prepared and presented to the carrier. Once work is complete, the homeowner will sign off on the project, we will present the final documentation to the carrier and work with the carrier to receive the appropriate funds.

If the claim is approved but the insurance carrier wants to modify the restoration plan Maycon Construction Services will discuss the implications of these modifications with the homeowner. For example, many roofs with wind damage will have multiple locations missing shingles. The insurance carrier may want to only pay to repair these places and not replace the entire roof. However, there are guidelines that must be followed – by the contractor and insurance carriers – to ensure the homeowner’s property is restored to the pre-event condition.

We will help you understand these guidelines and whether or not additional effort should be spent to get these claims approved. If a decision is made to continue to try to get the claim approved, a second inspection will be requested. This inspection usually occurs with a different adjuster or the same adjuster but with their supervisor’s participation as well. In our experience, many – but not all – claims can be approved following this second meeting. Pending the outcome of this second inspection, Maycon Construction Services will discuss the next steps with the homeowner and come to a mutually agreeable path forward.

What If My Claim is Denied?

Similarly, if the claim is denied altogether, we will advise the homeowner on the next steps of the claims approval process and whether or not we feel this effort is warranted.

If so, we will work with the homeowner to request a second inspection. In the past, we have had to involve public adjusters and even work with local engineering firms to get customer claims approved. It should be stated, however, that this is not a typical scenario. In these cases, Maycon Construction Services will work with you and advise you on the steps to take that will result in the highest probability of your claim being approved.